Mission statement: To educate and enrich the lives of people of all ages and incomes by presenting world-class chamber music concerts that are open and free.
info@sanmarcochambermusic.org 904-731-1310
The San Marco Chamber Music Society exists to serve the community through the music we perform and present. To be a vital organization, we must be a culturally inclusive organization.
Serving an audience reflective of our richly diverse Jacksonville community is central to our mission. We are committed to achieving our mission by nurturing an organizational culture in which a rich diversity of ideas and perspectives are sought out, welcomed, heard, understood, respected and valued.
For SMCMS, a commitment to diversity also represents the active inclusion of the broadest possible representation of our Jacksonville community, within the organization and within our audience. This commitment includes: race, ethnicity, cultural experiences, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, physical and mental ability, education and religion. Through this culture, we are committed to cultivating diversity of thought throughout the organization.
We are committed to actively:
Fostering a culture of inclusion and working for equity for all people within our organization and our audience.
Holding inclusion and diversity as an essential value in our consideration of artistic and institutional discussions and decisions.
Increasing and maintaining diversity within the SMCMS Family (Board and musicians), the SMCMS audience, and the artists, collaborators and partners we engage.
Building relationships with individuals and organizations that represent a wide variety of backgrounds and modes of artistic expression.
Evolving our definition of inclusion, our artistic programs and our organizational culture to respond continuously to feedback and situations as they arise.
We recognize the life-long, ever-evolving nature of this work. We commit to investment, attention and vigilance at all levels of the organization. We also commit to ensuring inclusion and diversity become and remain integrated in our organizational identity.